Get your pads and pens ready because it’s time for the Week In Review.
The Week In Review is a list, in its purest form, not of the things you still need to do, but of all the things you have done in the last seven days. It’s an achievement list, an ode to yourself, a celebration of sorts, and a virtual pat on the back or smack on the ass. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
Need more details? Head here.
♫ You can do it, put your list into it. ♫
Last week was a predominantly good one for the baby and I; the Hubby too by extension. We’re starting to get into a groove, which means I actually accomplished a few things. Boom.
Let’s get listing:
I spent twenty-five hours nursing, which is five less than last week. Cue happy dance.
With my newfound free time, I finished Voyager, the third book in the Outlander series. I’m completely hooked.
I got to see Ave’s first full on smile, which made me melt faster than a cherry snow cone on a sweltering day. It’s possible motherhood is making me a smidge soft, although I could still smack some ass if necessary; just ask the Hubby.
In non-naughty news, I vacuumed out the car on Thursday afternoon while Ave took a little siesta.
I went for a solo run Saturday morning, and it was glorious.
I also took Ave for a walk in the park.
We visited with long time family friends on Monday morning.
On Friday afternoon, Ave and I ran errands together and hit up Nature’s Bin and the Breadsmith, two of my favorite local establishments. She’s partial to asparagus.
I finished off a box of Girl Scout cookies I opened eight weeks ago. They were a click stale; I ate them anyway.
I shook the dust off and busted out my planner. It made my heart go pitter patter to organize my week.
The Hubby and I watched not one, but two episodes of Game of Thrones. Joint television viewing has been hard to come by so this was a big deal, especially since I actually stayed awake for both episodes.
We went to the in-laws house, not once, but twice.
In the interest of full disclosure, I got about two sips of this margarita before Ave decided to spend the majority of the evening waffling between comfort feeding, nursing, and crying. Eventually, we packed it in and went home where she slept for the next five hours. I also managed to obtain five mosquito bites on my ankle, which I promptly scratched to shreds because I have no self-control.
Last but certainly not least, I dabbled in a little kitchen action. Making salads, scrambling eggs, and assembling burritos totally counts as cooking. I double dog dare anyone to tell me otherwise, bearing in mind my excellent ass smacking abilities. Then again, you might like that sort of thing. Whatever floats your boat.
It’s your turn. I want to hear from you. Link up and get yo’ list on.
What are three things you accomplished in the last week?
THAT SMILE!!!!!! <3 <3 <3
This Margarita in that beautiful garden fills my heart with joy. Too bad you couldn't enjoy it!
Yay for planning your week. And the picture of your actual planner sheet makes me smile 🙂
Juli@1000lovelythings recently posted…Week in Review – Heavy on the Food Front
There will be more margaritas in the future and I’ll even be able to drink the entire thing. That’s what I tell myself anyway. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #34
I love all the pictures but the one in the grocery store is my favorite! All of it takes me way back about 8 years. Good for you for enjoying that small bit of alone time 🙂
Michele @ paleorunningmomma recently posted…Workouts, Weekend Things, Low FODMAP Diet
Thanks Michele. Running errands with Ave was a huge deal for me, so I’m glad it went really well. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #34
I will mix you all the margaritas in September. That’s a fact.
I cannot believe you even plan the movie you are going to watch. Somewhere in this beautiful brain you are almost a little crazier than me. Almost.
Luce@FitSwissChick recently posted…The perks of life lately.
Ha, that’s actually the movie they are showing in the park on Friday night, although I wouldn’t put it past me to preschedule a movie. 🙂
I can’t wait for your margaritas!!
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #34
So many wonderful things!! What a week! I can see that the sun was shining both literally and metaphorically.
That smile….. melt (it must have been that Detroit shirt that got her so jazzed?)
Your planner!! I mean you have stickers for everything. Though I shouldn’t be too surprised. Grab your titties!! Baha!
Hugh high five for getting in some reading, some hubby TV time, some cooking, a beautiful looking walk and a lovely – even though short – garden and margarita hiatus. Seriously everything just looks beautiful where you are.
Cora recently posted…Week In Review: Pushing Through Lethargy
Spring is one of my favorite times of the year. I love seeing everything turn green and bloom. It’s like a fresh start. Thank god Ave was born in the spring too. It’s great to be able to get outside with her, and she loves it outdoors.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #34
you had a great week! and a baby’s smile makes all of the crying and fussiness not matter so much, right? well, at least for the moment lol. I would have eaten the stale cookies too 🙂
meredith @ cookie chrunicles recently posted…Birthday Weekend 2016
Oh yes, those baby smiles go a long way towards easing the pain of the first few weeks.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #34
The pic of the garden made my heart happy 🙂 my in laws have a lovely outdoor area but they happen to live in the sticks. Spending over an hour in the car is like torture for me, but hopefully I’ll change after nugget arrives. Or who knows maybe I’ll want to drive less? I’m excited about all the fun activities you’re doing!!! I can’t wait to fly us over and have mommy and baby time, and finally see your Breadsmith and natures bin. These places sound magical:)
Danielle recently posted…WIR – baby room & catching up
Yes!!! I can’t wait to take you and Baby Smith to all my favorite local haunts. It will be fabulous.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #34
I love Ave’s bib “I have people in Detroit.” That’s so funny! Was that a baby shower gift or an impulse buy? How long do you plan to take off from your job? Do you find yourself missing it or are you glad to be spending all you time with the baby?
Three things I accomplished this past week were cleaning our shower, attempting yoga and drinking more water.
Ellie recently posted…Training [05/29-06/05]
I have family in Detroit and they got Ave the bib. I think it’s fabulous, and I am enjoying the break from work. It’s refreshing although I go back in another 8 weeks.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #34
Your planner looks so much prettier than mine. I intended to get cool stickers for it back in January, but alas, it’s now June and I never quite got around to it. Maybe I should have written it down.
The cool stickers were actually given to me by a friend. I got lucky. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #34
I can hear the spark back in your voice!!! YOU ARE BECOMING HUMAN AGAIN. And yeah, it happens right around the time when they start smiling at us. Funny how that works. I love all the photos in this post. The one of the margarita in the garden is absolutely stunning. I kinda snorted when I read about your mosquito bites because I do the same thing to mine next to lighting them on fire.
My WIR is coming shortly.
Suzy recently posted…Mileage Monday
CRAP. I took forever getting it done because Andrew had the laptop all day and when I finally did it, I forgot to put the link up. And now it’s closed. GAH. My bad.
Suzy recently posted…Week in Review: Public Bananas
No worries. I got your post added. 🙂 I’m always happy to help a fellow mosquito bite scratcher. 🙂
Amen to slowly becoming human again!!!
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #34
I have been craving a margarita so hard!! Also, I love your planer stickers… can I ask where you found such fun ones?
Love the baby smiles, there’s really nothing better, except for finding your groove – glad to hear that things are getting easier!
I’m about 3/4 of the way through Voyager. I can’t remember the last time I was hooked on a book series.
My girlfriend gave me the stickers. They’re amazing right?! There was a card that came with them though: Chaotic Blessing on Etsy.
I started a new book, a non Outlander series book. I always need a break in between since they are so long. How are you liking Voyager?
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #34
I agree, I usually need a break in between the Outlander books. I’m enjoying Voyager, though there have been a few moments where I’ve kind of cringed, but thankfully I still love the characters and I’m really curious to see how this book is going to end.
Heather recently posted…Week In Review – Cats do land on their feet!
Her smile made ME melt, so I can’t even imagine how much better it must be for you being her momma, and in person. I’m glad that you guys are figuring things out and falling into a better routine. We need to hang out. Between your 5 hours of extra time and me not knowing what to do with myself now that I’m not constantly in the kitchen… we have time, right? 🙂 Happy Monday, boo! Hope it’s an awesome one for you and Ave.
Amanda @ .running with spoons. recently posted…link love 6/5
We totally have time. We have to make a Skype call happen. Let’s shoot for this week sometime. Pretty please.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #34
Glad to be linking up with you again this week! Your planner stickers are adorable especially that llama (…I think?) one. But definitely not as adorable as little Ave! Sucks about the mosquito bites though Happy Monday!
Kaylee Gross recently posted…Week In Review: Day-By-Day
Yeah the planner stickers were fun. They make organizing my week a good time.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #34
Aww look at that big smile! Too precious. Glad you had a good week and got some time to yourself, it makes such a big difference!
Emma @Em-powered Wellness recently posted…Grilled Chicken with Cherry Balsamic Salsa
Yeah that smile was everything!! I’m smitten.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #34
Aw, that first smile and you’re sharing it with all of us! Soft-heartedness and kick-ass-qualities can exist in mums simultaneously, no doubts about that.
Okay, so you own basically the planner of my dreams. The “if I owned this I’d totally be more organized right away” kind. I figure it doesn’t come with an automatic personality change, though? Also, I could be completely wrong and it just be a fun but if that titty-grabbing sticker has the serious background of breast cancer screenings you’d know that topic matters to me.If it’s not I’m still cool with that ;).
It’s awesome to hear you’re slowly getting into the groove of life with a[n adorable] baby and also reclaiming some me time back.
Miss Polkadot recently posted…Keeping up the conversations.
That sticker is for breast cancer screenings although I’m using it for my weekly lactation support group. It’s the same tools so I figure it works out.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #34
Congrats on a record low 25 hours of breast feeding! And for teaching me something new (again). Comfort feeding is a thing?! I think Vegas does that. 😉
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table recently posted…#NOWGetFit: A NOW Foods Immersion and GIVEAWAY!
Comfort feeding is a huge thing. Basically, the nipple is the original pacifier. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #34
P.S. Vegas is breaking you in for motherhood.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #34
Yes. Assembling burritos totally counts as cooking in my book. That’s about the most cooking my mom did through…most of parenthood.
Are those diaper stickers next to the words “All Day Every Day” in your planner? That’s s adorable, as exhausting as I also know it must be. Hang in there!
Joyce @ The Hungry Caterpillar recently posted…Week in Review: What I Didn’t Do
Those are diaper stickers. I figure the all day, every day caption is fitting. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #34
It looks like you had an awesome week! I love that you’re standing on a chair for that last shot because Jesse yells at me all the time for doing that but hey! You’ve gotta get the shot! He’s waiting for the day I get rushed to the emergency room and have to say “I was just trying to get the shot!” when they ask me how I got some crazy injury!
Kristy @ Southern In Law recently posted…Recipe: Healthy Meatballs in a Creamy Mushroom Sauce
I actually take most of my food pictures outside. I keep a little table by the back door which I whisk outside when the moment (or the food) strikes. My Hubby has accepted it as the norm now. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #34
You are mastering the mommy hood!! Melting at smiles, multitasking like a pro, and making time for YOU. I’m proud of you mama!
Brittany recently posted…Ira Springs Trail – Mason Lake
Thanks Sweet Pea. I feel like we’re starting to get the hang of it, both Ave and I. Granted we still have rough days, but they are fewer and further between. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #34
Your planner makes me so happy. Also, the food! The baby! All good things. 🙂
Hooray for all good things.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #34
I had no idea it was possible for Girl Scout Cookies to last 8 weeks! I have no frame of reference since they’ve never lasted in my house more than two days, maybe three for the thin mints in the freezer.
That burrito filling looks heavenly and gives me ideas for what to cook this week!
Hailey C recently posted…What’s in the box
I like making burritos, and I generally stuff them with a grain like rice, and then some beans, corn, cheese and some sautéed veggies. Oh and did I mention cheese? Yeah, lots of that.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #34
Did you at least get your margarita to go? ha!
You are doing so well with all the cooking, cleaning and grocery shopping – where you find the energy I do not know. Major respect from me.
Your post also has me craving stickers… I feel my planner is so deprived!
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape recently posted…5 things I have realised in life that it is ok to do – without saying sorry #5TTT
Somehow you learn to function on significantly less sleep. Granted I found a half cut lemon in the kitchen cabinet so there are some side effects. 🙂 🙂
Lovin’ the Knope sticker in your planner haha she warms my heart <3
Melissa @ Mango About Town recently posted…Manitoba Marathon – Half Marathon 2016
Gotta love those planner stickers. I need to order some more.