Get your pads and pens ready because it’s time for the Week In Review.
The Week In Review is a list, in its purest form, not of the things you still need to do, but of all the things you have done in the last seven days. It’s an achievement list, an ode to yourself, a celebration of sorts, and a virtual pat on the back or smack on the ass. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
Need more details? Head here.
I’m feeling the need to shake things up today, so instead of a typical weekly recap, I’m sharing a handful of happy, happy, joy, joy moments from the past seven days.
♫ You can do it, put your list into it. ♫
Let’s get listing:
First and foremost, I gotta give it up for the Cleveland Indians. My city is on fire this year, and I love it.
Almost as exciting was consuming multiple Moscow Mules on Saturday night, complete with hot pink pumps and a little black dress that could barely contain my lactating ladies. The Hubby wasn’t complaining.
After seven months, I finally freed my new camera from the confines of its box. I’m shooting, pun intended, to actually take some pictures in manual mode this week. In the meantime though, I’ll still be using my trusty iPhone.
No explanation needed.
Last, the highlight of my week was this little monkey muttering mom on repeat. It’s possible she was just practicing her em sounds, but I’m choosing to believe she was saying my name.
It’s your turn. I want to hear from you. Link up and get yo’ list on.
What are three things you accomplished in the last week, big or small?
thanks for the link up! she looks so super cute in that picture! it’s the sweetest when they start making the sounds that sound like words.
meredith @ cookie chrunicles recently posted…New Clothes, Salads & Baked By Melissa (week in review)
I loved hearing her little Mom, mom, mom tirade although I’m pretty sure it was just her working on the em sounds. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Scalloped Sweet Potato Casserole with Bechamel Sauce and Candied Walnuts
All these things are pure smile worthy. Hot black numbers, sassy stickers and a little one rapping your name?…. you had a slammin’ week. 🙂 🙂
Cora recently posted…Week In Review: Reflecting On a Step Back
Thanks. It was a pretty good week. Her talking might be my favorite part too.
Meghan recently posted…Scalloped Sweet Potato Casserole with Bechamel Sauce and Candied Walnuts
Aw must be so exciting to hear her say Mom! And GO TRIBE! Really hoping they’ll win game 6 at home!
Patricia @Sweetandstrong recently posted…Football, Giant Salads, A Marathon, and other Weekend Highlights
Go Tribe is right. We need a win tonight.
Meghan recently posted…Scalloped Sweet Potato Casserole with Bechamel Sauce and Candied Walnuts
I’m in! I’ve joined!
Well, not the link up, as I haven’t really listed anything in any recent posts.
But I do have a new post up, and that’s worthy of joining in my opinion.
I’m delighted you got a night out, and delighted you get to see that sweet face when you get home from said night out.
Best of both worlds.
I still shoot in auto mode, as does my photo-taking-for-a-hobby spouse, so don’t beat yourself up if you try auto and like it.
As my spouse says–the camera sensors know better than I do. I just frame the shot.
Oh yes . . . yay, sports! Do the thing!
Kirsten recently posted…Golden Beet Muffins with Caramel and Chocolate #MuffinMonday
That is a compelling argument for auto mode. Plus it sounds a lot easier than messing around with the manual settings.
Go you with the blog posts. You’re kicking ass and taking names..or making muffins. The latter is better considering my non-violent life stance.
Meghan recently posted…Scalloped Sweet Potato Casserole with Bechamel Sauce and Candied Walnuts
I have started using the camera I bought over a year ago to film videos. Still using the iPhone for everything else. Sorry not sorry 🙂
Ellie recently posted…Weekly Training Log [10/23-10/29]
I love using my iPhone. The camera was a gift so we’ll see how it goes.
Meghan recently posted…Scalloped Sweet Potato Casserole with Bechamel Sauce and Candied Walnuts
Lactating ladies. HA! Love it. SHE IS TOTALLY SAYING MAMA. xoxoxox Soooo cuuuuuuuute! You look gorg in your outfit! Glad you could get out and have fun that night. You needed it!
Suzy recently posted…Mileage Monday
I most definitely needed it AND I’m doing it again this Friday. Woot, woot!!
Meghan recently posted…Scalloped Sweet Potato Casserole with Bechamel Sauce and Candied Walnuts
Oh yay for your new camera! Good luck with it! And how sweet your little one is loving to say your name now! 🙂 Pink pumps? Let’s see them!! 🙂 Happy Monday, Meghan!
Ashley @ A Lady Goes West recently posted…Weekend adventures as told by food pictures and my weekly workout report
I’m a shoe whore. The pink pumps are actually some of my tamer shoes. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Scalloped Sweet Potato Casserole with Bechamel Sauce and Candied Walnuts
Sounds like a fun week! I love that you wear what you want! Go girl.
Have fun playing with your new camera.
Joyce @ The Hungry Caterpillar recently posted…Week in Review: A Few Days Off
I wear what I can squeeze into these days. Ha! 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Scalloped Sweet Potato Casserole with Bechamel Sauce and Candied Walnuts
You’ve inspired me to take my camera to a professional and get it diagnosed. I think it needs some kind of system update, but I know nothing of these things. Congrats on bringing your out of the box!
Brittany recently posted…Hunter Farms, Union Washington
Out of the box and hopefully into action this week. Cross those fingers for me, and I’ll send a prayer to the camera gods for you.
Meghan recently posted…Scalloped Sweet Potato Casserole with Bechamel Sauce and Candied Walnuts
Ave totally said mom. I’m sure about that. Because she knows you rock and wants you to know. P. has been saying ‘Mama’ for some time, too, and when I was there we got some ‘Babababa’ upon seeing his dad in a picture [he was at work], too. Now we just need to get him to practice my name next ;).
Where do I get a dozen of those sassy Llama stickers? They were clearly produced with me in mind.
Shoot for the stars, lady. Or manual mode. Congrats on the fancy new camera.
Miss Polkadot recently posted…Week in Review: Destiny. The bad. The good.
Thanks. The camera was a gift from my mom so I’m feeling pretty lucky. She wanted me to have something to document Ave’s life (and of course my food). Now to get around to actually using it.
Meghan recently posted…Scalloped Sweet Potato Casserole with Bechamel Sauce and Candied Walnuts
Awesome llama sticker. Definitely need those in my life right now!
Thanks for the link-up as usual Meghan!
Kaylee Gross recently posted…Week In Review: Overthinking & Underdoing
I know, the stickers are fantastic. My friend gave them to me. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Scalloped Sweet Potato Casserole with Bechamel Sauce and Candied Walnuts
Amg!! I’m so crazy excited for you to start using your new camera! It’s really not as hard as you probably think it is, and just remember that you can’t break anything so be brave and experiment with ALL The buttons 😀
Amanda @ .running with spoons. recently posted…link love 10/30
I’m waiting for you to come to Cleveland so you can teach me how to use it.
Meghan recently posted…Scalloped Sweet Potato Casserole with Bechamel Sauce and Candied Walnuts
Happy happy joy joy indeed!! So happy you had a fun week. Your little Ave is just too cute for words. She looks so joyful in that jumper! Of course she said mom. I believe it 100%. Or maybe milk? Lol same thing almost right?! I can’t wait to try out our jumper. The only safe spot will be in our master bathroom doorway. All the other doorways are on top of stairs. So even though we don’t hang out much in our bedroom at least it’ll be safe. She can jump around while I doll up. Which means I will actually have to start doing something with myself beyond a top bun and athletic wear.
She wore her Halloween strawberry costume 2 times and might even squeeze a third wear before we hit November. This monkey is on a strawberry kick!
Danielle recently posted…WIR sleep less play more
She’s definitely saying mom although I don’t wonder if she really means milk. Ha!
Your strawberry monkey was adorable! I just wanted to squeeze those little cheeks.
Meghan recently posted…Scalloped Sweet Potato Casserole with Bechamel Sauce and Candied Walnuts
Hooray for joy! I also now have that song stuck in my head and completely forgot all about Ren and Stimpy.
Also… I need copper mugs even if I am the only one who drinks Moscow Mules. I don’t even care!
I love the copper mugs. They’re so pretty.
Meghan recently posted…Scalloped Sweet Potato Casserole with Bechamel Sauce and Candied Walnuts
Mamamamama baby babbles are the best! Even better than Moscow mules and shiny new cameras (though it might be a close race).
Also go Sportsball!! But the Mr. says I have to cheer for the Cubs 😉
Sarah recently posted…Budget Breakdown: October 2016
You’re right. It is a close race, but the mamamamamama wins. 🙂
Go Tribe! Although I wouldn’t hate losing to the Cubs either. We’re both due. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Scalloped Sweet Potato Casserole with Bechamel Sauce and Candied Walnuts
I bet she did say, ‘Mom,’ cause I know that you are her favorite person ever. 🙂
Emily recently posted…Pumpkin Maple Cream Cinnamon Rolls
I’m not saying the baby has favorites or anything but if she did, it’d totally be me. 🙂 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Scalloped Sweet Potato Casserole with Bechamel Sauce and Candied Walnuts
I need those llama stickers! Don’t know what I would use them for but I want them! Haha!
When, generally, do kids start to talk? I’m genuinely asking as I have no idea! :-S
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape recently posted…Currently – October 2016
I didn’t have any idea either, although I looked it up right after she starting muttering mom. It’s around 9 months so of course my Hubby is calling her a prodigy although truth be told, it’s different for all babies.
Meghan recently posted…Scalloped Sweet Potato Casserole with Bechamel Sauce and Candied Walnuts
Soo.. this is how clueless I am about sport. I saw “Cleveland Indians” and thought “wow… Indian tribes in Cleveland” then I thought “that doesn’t sound quite right.. it’s 2016 and that doesn’t look very Indian-y” so I googled it and hello baseball team.
On a totally separate note, I am certain Ave is saying Mom because you are AWESOME!
Kristy from Southern In Law recently posted…Recipe: The Best Paleo Chocolate Chip Cookies (Vegan too!)
Yup it’s the baseball team named after Native Americans. It’s mascot could definitely use a little work though.
Meghan recently posted…Scalloped Sweet Potato Casserole with Bechamel Sauce and Candied Walnuts
That is all.
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table recently posted…Big Kid Halloween Party
Meghan recently posted…Scalloped Sweet Potato Casserole with Bechamel Sauce and Candied Walnuts
That camera…. ABOUT TIME CHICKEN! You are a talented moose who was able to make Iphone photos look pristine so I am eagerly awaiting what magic you create now.
Still sure Ave said ‘Arman Arman Arman.’ that, or ‘hottie hottie hottie’.
Arman @ thebigmansworld recently posted…Healthy Flourless Pumpkin Breakfast Brownies