These scrambled egg breakfast bowl are a quick, easy and nutritious way to start your day. Mix and match your ingredients to keep it fresh and fabulous.
Back in the day, when I was just a teeny tiny dictator, I wouldn’t allow my foods to touch, validating my own title. I gave the term picky eater a whole new meaning and my poor parents a run for their money.
Now that I’m a parent and the responsible one (cough, snort, cough), I can’t imagine arguing with a toddler three plus times a day on the necessity of eating anything other than bread and butter, sprinkled with granulated sugar, also known as the white devil, not to be confused with Harvey Weinstein; he’s in his own league.
In any event, that sweet and carbalicious snack was my typical lunch back in the day, after my parents tried and failed to feed me every single other sandwich known to man. I rejected nearly everything they made me, and heaven forbid, my foods touched. That was a travesty and an abrupt end to any meal.
Thank god, Ave is nothing like me when it comes to food.
I’d like to think my taste buds have evolved since then, even though I’m still plagued by my own food separation neurosis, as evidenced by these scrambled egg breakfast bowls. I know the ingredients will ultimately be going to the same place, and yet I prefer to plate them separately. It might be a click banana shorts, but at least it makes for a pretty picture.
That and with age comes the ability to embrace your own crazy.
This dish is more a suggestion of food pairings than an actual recipe, as evidenced by the cornucopia of photos in this post. It’s fluid, and the ingredients are subject to change, based on what’s in your pantry and the leftovers in your fridge.
The one consistent element is the scrambled eggs, which are quick and easy to make. Other than that, I like to include some kind of beans or lentils and usually a leftover veggie from a prior meal. Make it a southwestern affair by topping it all with salsa, your cheese of choice, some avocado and green onions.
Granted, if you want to toss it all together, haphazard like, I say go for it. I’ll only judge you a little, and even then it’s because of my own issues, not yours.
Do you; embrace your crazy and these scrambled egg breakfast bowls.

- 1/2 Tbsp. Butter
- 6 Eggs (2 eggs per person)
- Salt and Pepper
- 1 15 ounce can of Black Beans (or beans or lentils of choice)
- 1 1/2 cups leftover cooked veggies (I've used potatoes, sweet potatoes, and asparagus)
- 1 avocado, cut into slices
- 1/2 cup Pepper Jack Cheese, shredded
- 3 Tbsp. Salsa
- 1 Green Onion, white and green parts, chopped
- Beat all six eggs in a bowl or large mug. Mix until light and frothy.
- Melt 1/2 tablespoon of butter in a non stick skillet over medium heat. Swish the melted butter around the pan, covering the sides. Add the beaten eggs. Stir often, breaking up the eggs into soft curds. Sprinkle with a touch of salt and pepper towards the end of the cooking process. The eggs are done when they are soft and appear slightly wet.They will continue to cook for a bit after they are removed from the heat.
- In the meantime, heat the bean or lentils according to package directions. Heat up your leftover veggies as well, either in the oven or microwave.
- Add your cooked eggs, your beans, your veggie of choice and sliced avocado to a bowl. Top with shredded cheese, salsa and green onion.

What food issues, if any, do you have?
My middle sister did that! It was a HUGE deal in our house. I was picky, but I didn’t care what touched. It’s hard to believe that at one point in my life I wouldn’t eat fish, burgers, or cheese. WTF?!
Thank god we evolved.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Food, Family and Fatigue (#116)
I used to like eating my food super slow, and would eat all the stuff i didn’t like and save my favorite part for last… i also went through a phase where i only ate red foods. ketchup for dinner? it was great rebellion for me at that time. it really pissed off my mom so it worked. i did learn how to season ketchup and make it into soup, which felt really ‘cool’
this looks great and what a fab idea!
I still save my favorite part for last. 🙂
Ketchup soup? I’m intrigued.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Food, Family and Fatigue (#116)
Picky eating was not tolerated as I was growing up, with a pretty constant food shortage we just ate. However, Having had 4 of my kiddos we ran the gamut from eating anything, anyway on down to a very picky eater who not only could not have food touch, each item required it’s own serving vessel and utensil. Yeah, that lasted for about 2 years. One exception was the chocolate malt. I’d compare it your parents buttered sugared bread. I felt at least our stubborn toddler was getting some calcium.
The breakfast bowls would suit me well for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or a hearty snack! They look that scrumptiously homey and quick to put together with I might already have in the fridge and on the shelf! Thanks for cooking! I need to get off from my boring old bus!
My biggest food issue is that I love it all! Even the things I know I will regret later, too muchof anything, that awful ‘can’t believe I ate the whole thing”? Ugh! I do make healthy choices, I simply never know when to stop.
I love it all too so at least I;m in good company with you. 🙂
My poor parents tried everything. I was completely fine going hungry much to their dismay. They used to make me eggnog milkshakes to get calcium in me. Shakes head.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Food, Family and Fatigue (#116)
So interesting…my pickiest eater will now try everything once and is a lover of culinary excellence and creating himself! Just goes to show that consistent persistence without pushing or forcing pays off!
Don’t worry. I like having most of my foods separated out like that too. So we’re both kinda crazy. 😉
I love “recipes” like these! So adaptable but so easy. It also satisfies the indecisive side of me who likes to have a bit of everything.
Kaylee recently posted…Thinking Out Loud: What You Can’t Control
Adaptable is huge for me. You have to be able to customize it to match whatever leftovers you have in the fridge or supplies in the pantry.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Food, Family and Fatigue (#116)
I enjoy the relaxed, conversational tone in your writing. It’s as if we’re chatting over a morning cup of coffee in the backyard. However, I do have a problem with one sentence: :It might be a click banana shorts, but at least it makes for a pretty picture. ” I did a Google search for “click banana shorts,” thinking it would be some sort of contemporary phase or short-hand for some social extravaganza of which I have no knowledge. After all, I’m 74 and most of my emotional driven phrases have to be explained to friends under the age of 30. So, what does it mean?
What a good question, Jim. I’ve been trying to use the word crazy less, so I’ve been replacing it with banana shorts. As far as “click” goes, I just meant a small amount. Perhaps my vocabulary is a little too relaxed sometimes. Thanks for coming round and commenting. Feel free to ask questions anytime.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Food, Family and Fatigue (#116)
Great idea! The best part is I can substitute my tofu scramble and make it vegan! I’m always trying to figure out ways to add more variety to my scrambles. Thanks for the idea.
What a great idea. I think tofu would work fabulously alongside the beans and veggies.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Food, Family and Fatigue (#116)
I’ve always been totally fine with allowing my foods to touch. I was a really picky eater as a kid though, only branching out on foods in my 20’s and then even further when I went vegetarian (pescatarian I guess) in my 30’s!
meredith @ cookie chrunicles recently posted…Friday Favorites! January 19, 2017
Isn’t it funny we both branched out when we went full on veggies. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Food, Family and Fatigue (#116)
It’s funny, I don’t love my food touching, but I’m all about bowls like this. It’s as if this is the only acceptable way my food can be all over itself. But then again I love bites with multiple food. I’m just all over what can I say. These look hearty and delicious.
Brittany recently posted…Desert Botanical Garden
I don’t do bites with multiple foods in one forkful…well unless it’s cheese with anything else. Then all bets are off. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Food, Family and Fatigue (#116)
I was a SUPER picky eater when I was a kid, and my mom would actually have to cook separate meals for me just to get me to eat. Or… maybe not completely separate, but if she was making some sort of stir fry, she would just give me the rice, chicken and sauce, because heaven forbid there was. a vegetable in there. For spaghetti, I’d only eat noodles with butter and parmesan cheese. And the toast with honey was my favourite sandwich too. Mom took it like a champ, though. I don’t know that I could have been that patient 😆
Amanda @ .running with spoons. recently posted…loaded sweet potato nachos
Mothers are saints. 😉
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Food, Family and Fatigue (#116)
I don’t think I have any food issues when it comes to what I eat… But I definitely have some about the way I eat things. Certain meals I have I always have a set routine in the order of how I eat them on my plate. It always makes David laugh and he is used to it by now… Maybe I’m a bit weird, or maybe I just know how things should be eaten! Ha!
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape recently posted…Chase the Red Grape Podcast – Episode 55
Actually I can relate to that. It’s how I do it too. I always eat my least favorite part first too, so I can save the best for last.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Food, Family and Fatigue (#116)
I wouldn’t have stood a chance being picky. My brothers and I knew to eat anything and everything. And I was the opposite – I was the kid at A&W mixing all the different foods together as my latest “chemistry experiment.” My only picky moment came when my dad started making me wraps for my lunch and he would put salsa in them and they’d get sooooo soggy by the time noon came. Ugh. Hated that.
These – I’ve been eyeing up these bowls of yours for a good long time. They look too damn good. And pretty.
Cora recently posted…Friday Favorites: Recent Words, Quotes and Synchronicity
There’s almost nothing worse than a soggy sandwich. In fact, it’s still one of the reasons I won’t “pack” a sandwich for later. It’s gotta be fresh or nothing. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Food, Family and Fatigue (#116)
I loooove this idea for a meal. I’m always making breakfast for dinner and this would be an awesome one to add to my rotation.
Man I can’t picture you as a picky eater though! That’s good to know people can definitely grow out of it though. Maybe there’s still hope for (my) John? Haha.
There’s still hope for your John. I promise. The older I get, the more adventurous I get too.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Food, Family and Fatigue (#116)
My wife is the same way, no food can touch each other on the plate, even though it all ends up in the same place!! lol…but seriously I love this concept for breakfast bowls, great way to spice things up and add some flavor to your morning..thanks for the inspiration 🙂
You are most welcome Albert. The breakfast bowls are a great way to get lots of food into picky eaters. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Food, Family and Fatigue (#116)
Thank you for all these great breakfast ideas with scrambled egg. I have always just had it on toast but I am not a huge fan of bread or toast and these breakfast bowls look so much yummier than what I normally have for breakfast and more healthy!
My Hubby won’t eat eggs unless he can put it on toast. So strange. I’d rather have my eggs and break separate like you and maybe use up some leftovers in the process.