You do know that I don’t always accomplish everything on my lists right?
Well unless it’s the grocery store list, and you can bet I get every item and then some.
My regular lists though, the day-to-day ones, well I rarely check all those items off, especially not in the same day. My lists are often quite lengthy and overly ambitious, so to knock every thing out same day would be a super human feat, and while we all know I have my super human moments (thumps chest wildly), they don’t always happen on a daily basis, despite what my ego keeps telling me. Or is that voice the impish little devil sitting on my left shoulder? Either way, I kind of like him.
There are entire days where I cross nothing off, outside of routine items such as Morning Coffee (one of my favorite list items), Work, Gym (another happy place, to be sure), Feed Cats, Feed Self, Publish Blog Post (Check!) because while these items make up my normal comings and goings, they’re an accomplishment in and of itself. They also take up huge chunks of time, along with the Internet, a strange and twisted place where hours and minutes go to die. Damn you Internet, damn you.
My point is sometimes you don’t get to cross all the items off your list and that’s okay too.
Take last week for example (it comes full circle), I didn’t really do anything on my list. Laundry: Nope, Cleaning: Nada, Cooking: what’s that? Blog Reading: Zilch, Grocery Shopping: Zip (gasp!), and Organizing: Zero (double gasp!). No worries; I’ll just throw those items on this week’s list and maybe they’ll get done. Then again, maybe they won’t.
In any event, while I didn’t get to my lists last week, my time sure went somewhere (outside of the Internet), and I still want to share. Of course I do.
So I say, “Let’s get listing:”
- I worked forty plus hours at my job, although I plan to work significantly fewer this week since the Hubby is home and on a break. I say ‘on a break’ lest any of you think he got tossed from school for sending me messages of his undying love via Cheez-It art. We’re going to overlook the whole processed snack cracker for the time being because I’m going affix myself to his leg, like a barnacle on a boat or like a dog with a bone. Giddy Up. Oh wait, that’s horses; eh, you get the idea.
- I did four fitness classes, including my beloved spinning, and I even signed up for a fitness challenge at the gym. Wish me luck, and let’s hope I can calm my crazy; we want no repeats of the walking program…well unless the final prize is worthy.
- I road tripped to Buffalo to see the family, especially our newest addition because I’m an Aunt again. I know little baby feet are just about the cutest things, but those teeny tiny fingers ain’t half-bad either.
- I managed, what shall now be known as the “Great Olive Oil Incident of 2014.” Long story short, the cats knocked over and broke a full bottle of olive oil in the kitchen. My counters, cabinets and floors have been scrubbed and washed countless times, but since they’re hard wood, they’ve seeped up the oil and are holding onto it for dear life. Case in point, when you step on a floor joint, oil oozes out of the slats. Never a dull moment in my household, and I guess I did do some cleaning last week, just not the kind I had intended.
- Even though I didn’t cook anything outside of a fried egg, I ate fantastically well. There were cheese sticks galore, lunches with seldom seen, but much missed friends, family gatherings, birthday margaritas, and Super Bowl parties. Yes, this introvert was out and about last week, although dinner one night was a solo glass of white wine and a box of cookies. Not surprisingly, this came right after the “Great Olive Oil Incident of 2014.”
So even though nothing on my lists, outside of the norm, actually got done, it was still a great week, and I rocked it. I’m also going to keep on rocking it this week while the Hubby is home (wink, wink), which means my blogging will be down to a minimum or non-existent. You understand.
I’ll see you on the flip side.
In the meantime, I want to hear from you.
Interested in participating in the Week In Review?
The Week In Review is a list, in its purest form, not of the things you still need to do, but of all the things you have done in the past seven days. It’s an achievement list and one with the sole purpose of bringing pleasure. Want in? Grab the Week in Review button for your post, link back to Clean Eats, Fast Feets and get your list on. For more details, click here.
Link up and get your list on.
Do you always accomplish every thing on your lists? If not, are you okay with it? Do you include day-to-day routine stuff on your lists?
Davida @ The Healthy Maven says
Congrats on being an Aunt again!!! Isn’t it the best?!
My parents were babysitting my 1 year old niece on Saturday while their baby (aka me) was moving out of their house. C literally had to drag me out of the house to move cause all I wanted to do was play with her.
I have SUCH baby fever. But currently I need money to buy a couch so I probably can’t afford an infant lol
Meghan says
Yeah, you might want to get the couch scenario under control first. That’d be my recommendation anyway…
Congratulations of the big move. I can’t wait to see the new place. Or pictures of it anyway.
Lauren says
Aw love the cheez-it love note…& those cute little baby fingers : ) nice to visit with you guys!
Meghan says
It’s always lovely to catch up with you guys! I’m going to try and make it back to Buffalo more this year and in the meantime, you’ll have to come to Cleveland. We could try the night spinning class at my gym or ariel yoga!!
Lauren says
Those classes sound like fun! Even more fun than the mudder! : ) We will try to get up as soon as we possibly can! We’ve been talking about it a lot, we just have to make it happen…not to mention all the delicious treats we would get! Hope to see you soon!
Lauren says
Oh yeah, Miss Mak, Corey and I went to yoga last night! It was super fun…we’re going to try to make a habit out of it!
Meghan says
That’s fantastic.
Jess @ JessieBear What Will You Wear? says
Hahahahhaha oh my god that’s horrible with the oil. Also, I legitimately laughed out loud at “cooking: what’s that?” I sooo have weeks like that. I’m pretty sure your blog makes me laugh out loud more than any other one I read, fyi. The cheese-it love it adorbs, even if the snack is icky. My boy has been away for the week and he sent me a picture of a pokemon with it’s tongue out and said “I’m gonna lick your face”… I’ll take that as “I love and I miss you”…. men 😉
Meghan says
Aww thanks Jess! My aim definitely is all about funny so it’s nice to know I hit the mark sometimes. 😉
The Pokémon thing is right up our alley too, and it definitely says I love you and miss you. It’s perfect actually.
kirsten@FarmFreshFeasts says
I think your wine & cookies snack is the perfect thing after a day of unexpected cleaning. Hate when I’ve got plans to do X and circumstances beyond my control force me to spend my day doing Y instead.
However, you’re reminding me to pick up olive oil when I hit Costco tonight during sled hockey. I made multiple types of dip yesterday for the Super Bowl and I’m nearly out of olive oil.
I suppose that will be my accomplishment to crow about–in 3.5 hrs yesterday I made (and photographed) 2 kinds of bacon cheeseburger dip, hummus, avocado hummus, and avocado lemon feta yogurt dip. Woot! Then for the game we ate that avocado hummus topped with delicious veggies in a layered dip. You’ll see it closer to Easter, because by the time I tossed the red onion on top of the yellow peppers it looked Easter-y to me.
I also gave myself permission last week to let go of posting a pizza Every. Single. Friday. It had gotten forced, at least to me. So I’m sharing Chocolate Cherry Almond Magic Bars that I’ve posted in lieu of a pizza.
I rarely make lists and rarely accomplish everything on them. I did accomplish a month-long squat and push up challenge for January–it was not pretty and there were nights that I was doing squats and pushups on the bathroom floor before brushing my teeth.
Not sure what I’ll do in February.
Meghan says
We just picked up some more Costco olive oil today! Great minds or perhaps jarring minds since this was more a reminder.
That is an impressive amount of apps. You should be proud, and I can’t wait to see your Easter Dip especially since I’m a f an of all your dips or at least the ones I’ve made thus far. Now I’m dreaming about summertime Fattoush Dip with fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, banana peppers, oh my.
I suspect if you’re going to forego pizza, Chocolate Cherry Almond Magic Bars are the way to do it. In fact, I need to head on over and check these things out.
Fran@BCDC says
Never the less, you are the Queen of Lists and I curtsy before you. Yes, I can still curtsy even though many parts don’t move as easily as they used to. Maybe I need some of that oil of yours! Love the Cheese-it Art!! Glad you and Hubby are getting to spend some time together. Enjoy yourself, Sweetie!!
Meghan says
You’re welcome to come on over and help me mop up all this oil. 🙂
Sarah Pie says
Wait you mean wine and cookies ISN’T a meal? Wonder what I was eating in college then… So glad to hear that hubby is home for a break, enjoy every minute of that time together (maybe without the crackers).
I’m also glad to hear you survived the great olive oil incident, which sounds funny reading about it from here, but is probably significantly less funny when your the one with the oily cats and floor.
See you next week 😉
Meghan says
College is a different story altogether. I’m pretty sure I subsisted on boxed mac & cheese, beer and cigarettes. The dinner of non-champions more like it.
How times have changed.
Laura@fitfreshnfunny says
Oh, the olive oil incident. Is that like the spaghetti incident or the string cheese incident?
Meghan says
Worse. Way worse. I’d much rather pull apart string cheese and peel spaghetti off the ceiling than mop oil out of an oozing floor.
Brittany says
Those cheez it’s with the message on them are epic. I usually only make lists for certain days I know I will need to get shit done…but even then sometimes I just wing it. ALWAYS a list for groceries though..cannot forget one THING!
Meghan says
I didn’t even know they made Cheez Its with letters now. It was very sweet though.
I can’t even imagine going to a grocery store without a list. I might as well be naked.
Arman @ thebigmansworld says
This weekend was the perfect example of nut fulfilling anything I had planned- I think I hit a mental blank and was buggered….the great thing though? My lingering sickness has (fingers crossed) dissipated. I think by NOT doing anything I had intended to and just veging out with my kindle and some potatoes was just what I needed.
That photo is so precious with the little hand…as for the wine and cookies- you deserved it.
Meghan says
Sometimes all you need is rest to recover. Not the stay at home, do laundry and wash floors type of rest either. I mean the move onto the couch and don’t move for 12 hours type rest. Or maybe you just need to eat more white potatoes. Either way, I’m so glad to hear you’re finally feeling better!! Hip, hip, hooray.
F-Yeah, I deserved that wine and those cookies (thanks for making it possible by the way!!) I washed the kitchen for like 5 hours and was completely broken by the time it was done. Although truthfully it’s still not done. I’m still spot cleaning the oil, but I am no longer broken. Now I’m like bring it on Mr. Oil because I’m gonna get you. Then I’m gonna eat you. Alright I don’t know where I was going with that last bit. Oops.
Carly @ Snack Therapy says
Congrats on the new (teeny tiny!) addition! Precious. I want to snack on those little fingers.
Um, I’m completely obsessed with lists, but there are definitely week where more important (read: more interesting) things come up. Go to a friend’s house instead of cleaning? Sure! Head to the ‘rents for the weekend instead of running errands? Mhmm. Watch Netflix instead of, well, instead of anything? HELL YEAH. Sometimes we just need to throw the list out the window and LIVE.
Meghan says
Baby toes and fingers are so damn adorable. Pretty soon they’ll be throwing food with those little hands though.
I could never throw my lists out the window, I love them so, but just LIVING sounds quite nice too.
lindsay says
birth of a child and tiny fingers–> that’s one UBER successful week to me. Those little moments make up for spilled oil?
Meghan says
Ain’t that the truth.
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table says
#1 The olive oil incident sounds like something I would do
#2 The solo glass of wine that ensued does not sound like something I would do. You have impressive (crazy?) restraint.
Meghan says
Well I’m always slightly crazy, but it was more because I went to bed. Cleaning floors multiple times can be exhausting.
Heather @ Kiss My Broccoli says
Ok, forget flowers…if a man wants to melt my heart, just send me a picture of cheesy cracker messages…double entendre and ALL! 😀
And you know, you may not have gotten a lot done on your precious listies, but I’m sure your body (and your mind) much appreciates this little break….sometimes you just have to take time to breath…and have a glass of wine and cookies for dinner! PS, I like your style! 😉
Meghan says
That glass of wine and cookies was 100% for my mental health. It worked too.
I love my precious listies, and I will probably always be obsessed with them. I just want people to realize while I write out all the things, I don’t always accomplish all the things, certainly not in the same day, and that’s okay too. Some days, weeks, months you need that. I also need wine and cookies but that goes without saying.