Get you pads and pens ready because it’s time for the Week In Review.
The Week In Review is a list, in its purest form, not of the things you still need to do, but of all the things you have done in the last seven days. It’s an achievement list, an ode to yourself, a celebration of sorts, and a virtual pat on the back or smack on the ass. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
Need more details? Head here.
♫ You can do it, put your list into it. ♫
The tiny human turned two and just like that, my life is completely altered. Alright fine, fine, it really changed a couple of years ago, but this diabolical dictator is suddenly and voraciously living up to her name.
She is proclaiming her independence loud and proud (“NO MOMMY, Ave do it.”) or clinging to me like a barnacle on a boat. She banned the Hubby from speaking to me and had a mini-meltdown in Whole Foods, during happy hour of course, because Grandma had the audacity to push the grocery cart, which apparently is “Mommy’s job.”
Last week wasn’t all disobedience and drinks (for me that is).
Let’s get listing:
We hosted my mother for the week, which meant evenings watching Outlander once the wee one was tucked in bed. We both read all the books and so far are big fans of the show.
We took Ave to the children’s museum during Spring Break week. Translation: we deserve a medal. It was absolute and utter chaos, which in no way stopped Ave from having a great time.
We went to Critter Encounters at the science center and got up close and personal with an owl, a snake, a turtle, and a chinchilla, which Ave has dubbed a “kind of kitty cat.”
(I understand how children get into exhibits at the Zoo.)
Afterwards, we went trolling for sustenance and hit up Panera for lunch, where I continued my love affair with bacon.
Of course the big news though is we celebrated the tiny human’s second birthday on Saturday complete with a taco bar and a homemade cookie cake. Confession: I bought the frosting, and I added the Reese pieces because my decorative icing flowers looked more like turds. Also, Peas and Crayons chipotle lentil tacos are everything.
Now it’s your turn. I’d love to hear from you. Link up and get yo’ list on.
What is something you accomplished in the last week? Big or small. How did you celebrate your last birthday?
happy birthday to ave! such a great age but omg no to the children’s museum during spring break. definitely need a medal for that! and oh, the cake looks so GOOD.
meredith @ cookie chrunicles recently posted…Weekend Thought Per Picture
The cake was craptastic. I actually threw the leftovers away which I never do.
Meghan recently posted…I Must Confess
First, your daughter is adorable! Next, your “love affair with bacon” reminded me of a restaurant we visited this weekend for the first time. We went for dinner on Saturday with another couple and shared their “Bacon Sampler” for an appetizer. It was amazing! We got the mini-sampler (3 kinds of bacon), and my favorite was the caramelized bacon. If you ever come to Lancaster County, let me know! 🙂
Laurie recently posted…Want to Boost Confidence? Raise Your Hand
Caramelized bacon would be reason enough to go to Lancaster County.
Meghan recently posted…I Must Confess
Happy birthday Ave! That cake looks amazing. We went to a baby friend’s 2nd birthday party on the weekend. Squish proceeded to herd all the balloons into a corner and then attempted to cuddle them by lying on top of them. She also met her first hamster (baby friend’s) which she too declared to be “a kitty”.
They sure look to call small furry creatures kitties. How funny. Also, the cake was shite. Looks can be deceiving huh?!
Meghan recently posted…I Must Confess
Happy birthday Ave!!! I can’t believe we had the honor of sharing your first birthday. 2 is so special. The willfulness is real. We have had a few tantrums lately mainly over washing hands and brushing teeth. I don’t really mind that she loves these things but my hubby has his limits and when he takes the water away it’s total deans meltdown theatre. But I still don’t mind that these are her fav things. Oh and candy. Damn you candy gods!! Mexico last December introduced her to gummi bears and now she needs a gummi something every day. She will spot colorful candies and confections with expert ninja skills. Damnit. Oh well again it’s not the worst haha
Their eyesight is incredible. They seem to find the smallest, tiniest, most dangerous objects with lightning quick speed. The meltdowns and tantrums are real. Thank goodness for wine.
Meghan recently posted…I Must Confess
The kids are a true joy when they have their particular view on how things have to be and don’t allow to depart from the plan. I remember when Grace was about that age and she had a meltdown only her mommy was allowed to comfort her and her daddy mustn’t look at them or even had to leave the room or she wouldn’t stop howling. But she has been an angel ever since this phase was over. She soon will hit puberty and then might have to change my opinion but so far she still is.
Looks like the birthday celebrations were a big hit. Stefan was jealous of the taco bar 😉
Juli recently posted…Week in Review – The Tired One
I’m glad to hear it’s just a phase. I was getting nervous. We’re trying to remain as consistent as possible on the things we have to do (diaper changes, talk to one anther) and hopefully she’ll accept it soon enough. I’m pretending puberty doesn’t exist.
Stefan can come for a taco bar any time. You too for that matter.
Meghan recently posted…I Must Confess
Happy Happy Birthday to Ave – who is one stinkingly ADORABLE tiny human AND cute as pie diabolical dictator! 🙂
BTW – sounds like you are her queen bee – hoping it always stays that way for you two!
Thank you lovely. Yep, we’re definitely interconnected, for better or for worse. Ha! 🙂
Meghan recently posted…I Must Confess
Happy Birthday again dear Ave!! Haha – this stage of life sounds like it may be the fun(niest) of them all. I wish I could still proudly boast all my nonsensical stubborn demands. Just because I SAY SO. Mmm actually I probably still do. Taco bar and your non-turd cake look spectacular. You done good mama.
Cora recently posted…Easter At Home, 2018
Thanks lovely. There are some really funny aspects to this age, and also some incredibly frustrating ones. I’m trying to focus on the former and laugh off the latter. Some days it’s easier than others.
Meghan recently posted…I Must Confess
Happy Birthday to her!! She is a handful it seems but aren’t all girls….haha. Only kidding. Your taco, cookie bar sounds so good and perfect party food. recently posted…Asparagus Quiche
All toddlers are a handful.
The taco bar was fabulous….the cookie cake, not so much. Oh well, ya can’t win ’em all.
Meghan recently posted…I Must Confess
I’m dying over Ave’s ‘tude. I’m sure you are too, though maybe in a different way. Less than a month until you get a break though!!! Hang in there. XO
Some days I can laugh off the antics and other days I want to drown my head in a bottle of wine.
Meghan recently posted…I Must Confess
Happy birthday to Ave! Confession: I took an entire cake decorating class once and I still can’t make icing flowers that actually look like flowers. Frosting blobs are fine by me.
I used a Ziploc bag to make those frosting blobs so despite them not being super pretty, I’m happily impressed with my craft skills. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…I Must Confess
I’m so glad that Ave had a wonderful birthday. Did she enjoy waking up to all the balloons too?
It must have been nice to have had help last week and some Mum time. Only one more week and I can get some Mum time too – Gah it’s so needed! I’m so excited for her to braid my hair… Never too old!
I would be all over lentil tacos. Love a good lentil dish, you can impart so my flavour into those bad boys! Like a good dhal… The best Indian dish!
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape recently posted…Week in Review
Se loves the balloons. It might have been the highlight after the cake and presents of course.
Enjoy the time with your mom!!!
Meghan recently posted…I Must Confess
I can’t believe you were brave enough to go to the Children’s Museum during Spring Break. You rock! Happy Birthday to Ave.
Misti recently posted…week in review: wildlife + workouts
Actually I forgot it was spring break or else I never would have gone. Ha!
Meghan recently posted…I Must Confess
So am I supposed to produce a coherent comment after that last photo of the cookie cake!? Hot damn that looks good, and adding the Reese’s was a solid move. Praise Ave for having a blast amidst the chaos, she gives no fu^k$.
Brittany recently posted…Success for Less – an Individualistic Approach
The Reese’s was really the only good part of that cookie cake. Oh well, not everything comes out right.
Ave does her own thing when we go to crowded events. She just might be an introvert.
Meghan recently posted…I Must Confess
Belated happy birthday to Ave!! 2 already?!! She’s growing up so quickly. Sounds like the teen years are coming early through from the sounds of it. Looks like she has her mom’s feistiness if she can face a snake like that.
You’ve been raving about those lentil tacos so much I just might have to try em!!
Kaylee recently posted…Recent Eats: March
Yes, you have to try the lentil tacos. If I wasn’t going out of town this week, I’d be making my third batch, although I might make it anyway. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…I Must Confess